Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Photo Assignment Cropping (Before and After)

^ Before Picture ^
^ After Picture ^

In the before photo, I made a small number of changes. Firstly, I lowered contrast, highlights, and blacks, and then I raised shadows and whites to increase color in the photo. As for the cropping portion of the assignment, I cropped out most of the activity in the bottom right hand corner to create more of an emphasis and focus on the closeup of the the statue.In the photo, there are 3 distinct rules of composition in action. First, the experimentation aspect of photography is in use due to the very unorthodox angle this photo is taken from. Based on looking at the image, it can be hypothesized that the image is of a eye of a statue. Then, the background composition is in use by having a colorful but blurred background which also adds more focus to the statue. This leads into my final rule of composition which is motion. In this image, the kite or leaf flying by is blurred by its motion, and that the background is blurred. 

3. Motion

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