Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

Partner: Marissa Padilla
1. Considering the fact that all objects in the photo appear sharp and in focus, I would think the shutter speed was fast.
2. Rule of Composition: Balancing Elements (Ryen), Depth of Field (Marissa)
3. Element of Art: Lines: There are many lines in this picture and can be seen in the road markings, the road barrier, the horizon, and the edges of the trucks.
4. Principle of Design: Movement: For movement in the photo, the first thing my eyes attract to is the bright color of the red and blue truck, then to the truck that has been blown over because it is a very odd scene, and finally the bright green truck in the background, also because of its vibrant color. 

ISO 32

Exposure: +47
Contrast: +38
Highlights: +-0.75
Shadows: +28
Whites: +40
Blacks: -28
Clarity: +49

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