Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Exam

4. The photo that  I have taken that has changed how I view photography would be my "First Commercial Shoot" photo of Divine. To capture this image, I was introduced to a whole separate aspect of photography. Lighting. I never would have thought that such small changes in lighting would be able to make such a drastic effect on an image. To take this picture, it required a whole different process of preparation. As a group we had to set up light boxes and the background to just the way we wanted those aspects to appear in the image which was a very different route of photography for me because all this time I was just clicking at whatever I saw was interesting and leaving the photo as it was. The process to get this image was enlightening and has changed the way I view photography.
5. There are a good number of differences between shape and form. Firstly, shapes are defined by closed lines, and consist of geometric shapes such as triangles, circles, or squares. Thus making shape two dimensional and expressing length and width. On the contrary, Forms are three dimensional and representative of figures such as cubes, cylinders and spheres. Form would be an expression of length, width, and depth. 

6. The difference between pattern and repetition is that patterns are a repeating image across the whole picture when the images are identical, whilst repetition is an augmentation of a pattern to make the picture seem full of action. This would then create a sense of unity in the picture. 

7. Movement is the sequence of objects in an image in which your eyes will attract to whilst viewing the image. Unconsciously, movement usually causes the eyes to attract towards objects such as lines, edges, colors, and shapes in an image. 

Attached is a link to my picture highlighting the Principle of Design of Movement

8. Of the last three projects, my best work would be the First Photo in my Presentation Project. In my opinion, this is my best work because of the way it changed me and made me see things differently. This piece of work changed me in that it made me appreciate life more. Taking this picture, I realized that life goes by very quickly. I learned to see differently in that appreciating life's happy moments is key to living to the fullest, because it won't always be that way. My dog Juno was ecstatic when we first got her, and looking at the happiness and youth in first picture which I attached, to how she she has grown and matured now, has made me see that through images we are able to see the best in life. 

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